Join us for Weekend on Main and meet local artist Mac Casad, he will be outside of the gallery demonstrating his craft and showing his works.
In the 1990s, shortly arriving in California from the Pacific Northwest, Marc Casad began painting. After taking a series of drawing and painting classes from various instructors at the Pacific Art League in Palo Alto, he learned how to paint still-life from Charles Muench. Those invaluable lessons taught Marc the importance of studio time and that he wanted to devote his artistic energies to representational still-life painting.
Since then, Marc has taken several classes from world-renowned plein-air painter Kathleen Dunphy. Recently, to significantly improve his art education, Marc embarked upon the series of drawing and painting lessons from the Sadie Valeri Atelier which is devoted to art instruction in the manner of Classical Realism.
Over the years, he has also experimented with acrylics, and watercolors, and tried large abstract, landscape painting, and Fauvist painting. But, while he explored these wonderful avenues in painting, he discovered that he wasn’t getting comments like “Wow” and “Beautiful” he once got from his friends and family. (Only after he returned to his still-life painting did he start getting those oohs and aah he craves.)
Today, Marc devotes his studio time to small format still-life paintings.