Meet pastel artist Debbie Wardrope during the downtown Pleasanton Wine Stroll, she will be here from 5:00 to 8:00 demonstrating and talking with everyone.
Debbie is a longtime Pleasanton resident who has always loved art and has pursued painting throughout her life. She believes art should be beautiful, accessible, and evoke an emotional response in the viewer - striving to create images that are immediately recognizable but are things that are frequently overlooked in the rush of everyday life. Hoping to capture a moment in time through the use of light, color, and her love of the subject matter.
Follow the link Debbie Wardrope Arts and see what classes Debbie has to offer, she is a wonderful teacher and her classes are so much fun.
Studio Seven Arts features her originals as well as her prints, bring a little bit of Pleasanton into your space to enjoy. Her pieces make the perfect gift for anyone who loves Pleasanton.