New Artist Todd Goldman

Todd is like everybody else. As a child, he had a dream.
A dream to become a Russian figure skater. 

But unfortunately for Todd, he wasn’t Russian and he couldn’t ice skate worth crap...but he still looks good in tights.So Todd began to draw and is now a professional doodler.Todd’s doodles can be seen on hundreds of products that are sold all over the world.
He works at the Stoopid Factory where all his doodles are turned into stuff.
You can see his doodles on tee shirts, pyjamas, books, paintings, greeting cards, toys, games, emojis, and even cartoons.

Todd contributes his success to one a simple philosophy – making people laugh! 
Whether they're laughing at him or with him, doesn't really matter, just as long as they're laughing.

Todd lives with his daughter, Elle, and dog Muppet. They act as a sounding board to most of his ideas. And Elle, at 8, is a far better artist than Todd. Duh!

Todd spends most of his day writing and doodling in his studio and coming up with his next great idea...even if Elle thinks it's stupid, which is 99% of the time.